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Water sciences investigation is focus on Hydrology, Hyrogeology: Precipitation, surface water and groundwater studies. Water quality, groundwater hydrochemistry and environmental isotope application. Surface water and groundwater relationships; Groundwater origin, recharge and sustainability, karst recharge and discharge, artificial recharge management. Seawater and salt water intrusion, unsaturated zone study, Water resources management, Climatic changes and drought analyses and Multivariate statistical analyse.
In addition to causing further shortages, particularly in areas with water stress, the increase in water consumption will also have a direct impact on water quality. According to the United Nations World Water Development Report 2016, there will be an increasing decline in the quality of water supplied in coming years as a result of the increase in unsustainable urban planning and urban development. Inadequate water supply and pollution will be some of the risks with the greatest social and economic impact in 2025.
b. Sustainable water resources management
The water environment includes both surface waters (rivers, streams, lakes etc.) and ground waters. The impacts of human activities can affect both water quality (e.g. pollution) and water quantity (e.g. water abstraction for industrial use). The ability to understand the impact that human activities can have upon different parts of the hydrological cycle and the way these impacts can be controlled through an integrated water resources system underpinned by description of the biophysical, chemical and hydrological processes and their interactions. Natural functions and human use of water resources system is essential to our existence. Our experts are engineers and scientists with up-to-date knowledge in the field of water resources. They are specialists with professional expertise and management skills which enable them to plan, design, operate, maintain, implement and rehabilitate water resources projects and programmes. Our team provides technical assistance and consultancy services in the following areas:
– Hydrology
Hydrology and Hydrogeology
– Environmental isotope hydrology
– Groundwater origin, recharge and sustainability.
– Surface and groundwater pollution
– Artificial recharge management
– Groundwater hydrochemistry
– Seawater and salt water intrusion
– Karst recharge and discharge
– Unsaturated zone study
– Water resources management
– Climatic changes and drought analyses.
– Multivariate statistical analyses
– Water Resources Assessment
– Water Resources Planning
– Wetlands Management Planning
– Water Systems Modelling
– Climate-Sensitive Water Management
– Coastal and Marine System Management.