Investigation of Environmental Aerosol by Atomic Force Microscopy

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Investigation of Environmental Aerosol by Atomic Force Microscopy

Client / Institution: Austrian Research Centre, Institute of applied physics

Date: 09/1991 – 06/1995

Location: Austria


Aufbau  eines Rastertunnelmikroskops (STM) als Basis  für  die  weitere  Entwicklung  zur Aerosol Analyse

Design and construction of an scanning tunneling microscope (STM), comprising mechanical, optical, electronic and data-processing aspect, for further development to an atomic force microscope for investigation of environmental Aerosols in the atomic scale as anew analytical method.

This project led to the following scientific papers:


–            Investigation of Environmental Aerosol by Atomic Force Microscopy (1995)..

Friedbacher G., Grasserbauer M., Meslmani Y., Klaus N. and Higatsberger M. J.; Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 67,No. 10, May 15, 1995, pp. 1754-1749.

–            Aufbau eines Raster-Tunnelmikroskops (STM) als Basis für weitere Entwicklungen zur Aerosol Analyse (1994).

Meslmani Yousef; Ph. D. thesis, University of Vienna, Austria.
From scanning tunneling microscopy to Atomic force microscopy (1994).
Meslmani Yousef; Austrian Research Center Seibersdorf, Austria.

–            Scanning tunneling microscopy and Prospects of its Application to the Aerosol-Analys (1993).

Meslmani Yousef; Austrian Research Center, Seibersdorf, Austria



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